Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday's my funday

Starting feeling: sleepy
Starting time: 8:37

Played golf with dad and grandpa at a local golf course.

Distance (as the crow flies): 6056 yards to play whites on the blue and red courses.

Distance I probably walked, since I don't hit the ball very straight: 9084 yards (5.2 miles)

Club weight: I'd guess 15 lbs, with all my gear.

Score: Awful.

Ending feeling: tired, sore, thirsty and hungry, but good.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Starting feeling: tired
Starting time: 7:30

Squat (dumbbells)102x302
Bench/Chest Press101402
Lat pull down (machine)101302
Travelling lunge1025, 201 ea
Overhead Press (machine)10702
Upright Row10652
Triceps Pushdown12Setting #72
Leg Extension12702
Bicep Curl (dumbbells)10252
Leg Curl12702

Most difficult exercise to do: Lunge! ACK!
Most challenging exercise to finish: Lunge! ACK!
Exercise I should have challenged myself more with: Nope, today was challenge day.

Sweat level: 6
Tiredness level: 6
Ending feeling: hurt. I ended up straining my back on the stupid upright row. >_>

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Didn't get out today. Exhausted. Good thing Tuesdays and Thursdays are optional under the plan. Will do better tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday hump day

Starting feeling: groggy, but good
Starting time: 5:50

Standing Crunch10, 12S6, S101 ea
Pulse Up12n.a1
Saxon Side Bend10/side101
Side Bridge15 sec/siden.a2
Back Extension15901
Squat (dumbbells)122x252
Bench/Chest Press121102
Lat pull down (machine)101002
Overhead Press (machine)10702
Upright Row10652
Triceps Pushdown12Setting #52
Leg Extension12702
Bicep Curl20652
Leg Curl12702

Most difficult exercise to do: Side bridge. I just couldn't get the mechanics to work on one side. Don't know if it was my arm, or what, but I just struggled with it.
Most challenging exercise to finish: Bicep curl. Realized after I was 90% in that I had increased the weight by nearly 20% since Monday. Oops.
Exercise I should have challenged myself more with: Standing crunch. I started out really light on setting 6, then realized I was cheating myself, and ramped up to setting 10. Next week, I'll probably put it on 10 or 11, because that's much closer to my challenge level.

Sweat level: 1 - wouldn't shower except I stink anyway ;-)
Tiredness level: 2 - but I should be getting more sleep. Instead, I was up all night working up at the church.
Ending feeling: sleepy, thirsty, did I mention sleepy?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Starting feeling: groggy
Starting time: 6:30

ExerciseRepsWeightCycles minutes

Sweat level: 5
Tiredness level: 6
Ending feeling: A little sore. I have accumulated "man boobs". They hurt. :-(

A mile never felt so long. I need to get my iPod all charged up, because that usually helps me. A silent gym... pretty hard to stay focused and push through.

Monday, February 2, 2009

And we're off

Starting weight: 219
Starting feeling: fat, tired, bloated
Starting time: 5:50

Monday 2/2 Workout:
Bent Knee Raise15n.a1
Oblique V-up10n.a2
Bridge20 secsn.a2
Back Extension (machine)151001
All of these were completed once, then repeated
Squat (dumbbells)122x252
Bench/Chest Press121102
Lat pull down (machine)101002
Overhead Press (machine)10702
Upright Row10652
Triceps Pushdown12Setting #52
Leg Extension12702
Bicep Curl10552
Leg Curl12702

Most difficult exercise to do: Oblique V-up (mechanics of this exercise are very hard)
Most challenging exercise to finish: Bridge (burns like a *********)
Exercise I should have challenged myself more with: no, this was a pretty good start

Sweat level: 3/10
Tiredness level: 2
Ending feeling: ok.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well, after having gotten ready and everything for this to be a hit, I hurt my back while trying to repair our toilet. Now I'm laid up, and if this doesn't improve tonight, I'm not going into work tomorrow. CRAP. This wasn't supposed to happen.

I wonder if this is a Proverbs 19:21 moment.